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Where is the zine collection?

Our zines are located against the back wall of the stacks, at the end of the main aisle. They are organized alphabetically by title, with ​tiny zines separate in their own box. 

How do I find and check out a zine?

Our zines are cataloged into Thorncat and can be checked out like any other library material.

You search for a zine like you would any other book in the library —

  • If you have a specific zine you'd like to search for, you can enter the title, keyword, and/or author in the search bar:


  • If it's in the collection, it will show up in a page like this:

  • The call number will be ZINE followed by the first letter of the title, or ZINE TINY if it's in the tiny zine collection.
  • You can find your zine by browsing through the boxes.
  • Zines can then be checked out like any other library book. The zine will be placed in a protective case when it's checked out to you, and should be returned inside the case.