Here is a curated list of books based on Education courses offered at College of the Atlantic!
Grade Specific Education
Early Childhood Education
A child's work : the importance of fantasy play / Vivian Gussin Paley ~LB 1139.35 .P55 P35 2004
Literacy and the youngest learner : best practices for educators of children from birth to five / V. Susan Bennett-Armistead ~ LB 1139.5 .L35 B46 2005
Standardized childhood : the political and cultural struggle over early education / Bruce Fuller ~LB 1140.23 .F85 2007
Theories of childhood : an introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget and Vygotsky / Carol Garhart Mooney ~ LB 1139.23 .M64 2000
Primary Education
An observation survey of early literacy achievement / Marie M. Clay ~LB 1525 .C56 2005
Arts and learning : an integrated approach to teaching and learning in multicultural and multilingual settings / Merryl Ruth Goldberg ~ NX 280 .G65 1997
Bilingualism in the primary school/ Mills, Richard W. ~ EBOOK
Black ants and buddhists : thinking critically and teaching differently in the primary grades / MaryCowhey ~LC 1099.3 .C699 2006
Making facts come alive : choosing & using quality nonfiction literature K-8 / Bamford, Rosemary A. ~ LB 1575.5 .U5 M25 2003
On their side : helping children take charge of their learning / Bob Strachota.~ LB 1025.3 .S788 1996
The informed vision; essays on learning and human nature / David Hawkins ~ S11 LB 41 .H34
Use of language across the primary curriculum / Eve Bearne ~EBOOK
Young children reinvent arithmetic : implications of Piaget's theory / Constance.Kamil ~ QA135.5 .K186 1985
Young mathematicians at work. Constructing number sense, addition, and subtraction / Catherine Twomey Fosnot ~ QA 135.5 .F6318 2001
Secondary Education
The students are watching : schools and the moral contract / Theodore R. Sizer ~ LC 311 .S548 1999
Strategies for teaching boys and girls, secondary level : a workbook for educators / Michael Gurian ~ LC 212.9 .G875 2008
Best practices for high school classrooms : what award-winning secondary teachers do / Randi Stone ~ LB 1777.2 .S76 2002
Horace's school : redesigning the American high school / Theodore R. Sizer ~ LA 222 .S544 1992
Making sense of secondary science : research into children's ideas / Rosalind Driver ~ LB 1564 .G7 D74
In the middle : writing, reading, and learning with adolescents / Nancie Atwell ~ LB1631.A72 1987
Understanding writing : ways of observing, learning & teaching, K-8 / Thomas Newkirk ~ LB1576.U53 1982
Young adult literature : exploration, evaluation, and appreciation / Katherine Toth Bucher~ PN 1009 .A1 B79 2006
Making sense of secondary science : research into children's ideas / Rosalind Driver ~ LB 1564 .G7 D74
Controversy in the classroom : the democratic power of discussion / Diana E. Hess ~ LC 89 .H43 2009
The good high school : portraits of character and culture / Sara Lawrence Lightfoot ~ LA 222 .L53 1983
The social studies curriculum : purposes, problems, and possibilities / E. Wayne Ross ~ LB 1584 .S6373 1997
Environmental Education
Earth child : games, stories, activities, experiments & ideas about living lightly on planet earth / Kathryn Sheehan ~ QH 541.13 .S54 1994
Earth in mind : on education, environment, and the human prospect / David W. Orr ~ GE 70 .O77 1994
Ecological literacy : educating our children for a sustainable world / Michael K. Stone ~ QH 541.2 .E328 2005
Greening school grounds : creating habitats for learning / Tim Grant ~ SB 55 .G74 2001
Resources for environmental literacy : five teaching modules for middle and high school teachers / Environmental Literacy Coucil ~ GE 80 .R47 2007
The culture of denial : why the environmental movement needs a strategy for reforming universities and public schools / C. A. Bowers ~ GE 70 .B677 1997