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Gender & Sexuality

Searching for Senior Projects

ou can search for senior projects in Thorncat, our online catalog.

  1. Go to Thorncat's  Advanced Search.
  2. Enter "senior project".
  3. In the next search box enter your keyword search term; i.e.,  sexuality.
  4. Select Search.
  5. In the results, find the senior project you want to view.  Jot down the author and title. 
  6. Contact a library staff member to view the senior project.

A Sampling of Senior Projects

The COA senior projects are housed in the COA Archives.  The archives are located in the Thorndike Library.  To view a senior project, contact a library staff member.  Please Note:  Senior projects do not leave the library.

  • DETRITUS: Girl, Queer, Rich, White and Other Labels - Anna Odell. 2015.
  • Islam and Homosexuality: Exploring the Paradoxes, Puzzles and Questions Within the Ummah - Nada Zidan, 2015.
  • The Lifecycle of a Woman and Her Femininity - Gabriela Niejadlik, 2014.
  • Discipline and Punish: Oppression, Violence and Power in the Gender Binary - Tanvi Nair. 2014.
  • Being Woman: a Narrative - Diana Escobedo Lastiri. 2009.