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Understanding Call Numbers

What Is A Call Number?

A call number is an item's address that tells you where to find it in the library.

In Thorncat (our library catalog), our call numbers show up with other location information such as availability and shelving location.

How To Read A Call Number

Step 1: Find the item you want by using our online catalog, Thorncat:

Step 2: Locate the call number in the listing.

Art of Acadia
Little, David, 1951–
Call number: ND 1351.5 .L58 2016

Please note: A large portion of the stacks contains the Main Collection, but there are other collections as well. The call numbers of these other collections begin with a special prefix. O/S = Oversize Collection, JUV = Juvenile Collection, VIDEO = DVD or VHS, GRAPHIC NOVELS =  Graphic Novels Collection

Step 3: Go to the stacks. The signs at the top of each row show both the collection and the first letters of your call number.

Example: Using call number ND 1351.5 .L58 2016 look for a row labeled Main Collection NA–P.

Step 4: Locate your row. Notice the books are arranged alphanumerically by call number starting at the top left.

Step 5: Look on the book spines. Here is how to decode the labels:

What You See   What It Means What To Do
ND The book's subject Read this row alphabetically
1351.5 Further defines the subject         Read this line as a whole number
.L58 The author designation Read this alphabetically and then the number as a decimal       
2016 Year of publication