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Course Reserves By Resource Area

Advocacy and Education for English Learners

Find these books in our library using the call numbers provided.

  • Advocacy in English language teaching and learning / Heather A. Linville - PE 1128 .A2 A38 2019
  • Advocating for English learners: a guide for educators / Diane Staehr Fenner - PE 1128 .A2 F366 2014
  • Disability studies and the environmental humanities: toward an eco-crip theory - Sarah Jaquette Ray - HV 1568.2 .D5944 2017
  • Educating emergent bilinguals: policies, programs and practices for English learners - Ofelia Garcia -  HV 1568.2 .D5944 2017

Changing Schools, Changing Society

Find the following in our library using the call numbers provided.

  • 21st century skills : learning for life in our times / Bernie Trilling and Charles Fadel - LA217.2.T75 2009
  • Eyes on the prize / Henry Hampton - VIDEO E 185.61 .E947 2010 V.2
  • Eyes on the prize II / Blackside, Inc - VIDEO E 185.61 .E94 1990 v.7
  • Decolonizing education : nourishing the learning spirit / Marie Battiste - E 96.2 .B38 2013
  • Education denied : costs and remedies / Katarina Tomasevski - LC 213 .T66 2003
  • Education for extinction : American Indians and the boarding school experience, 1875-1928 / David Wallace Adams - E 97.5 .A35 1995
  • Education reform and the concept of good teaching / Derek Gottlieb - LB1025.3.G686 2015
  • Finnish lessons : what can the world learn from educational change in Finland? / Pasi Sahlberg - LA1013.7.S34 2011
  • Fires in the bathroom : advice for teachers from high school students / Kathleen Cushman and the students of What Kids Can Do - LB 1737 .U6 C87 2003
  • From brain to mind : using neuroscience to guide change in education James E. Zull - QP408.Z85 2011
  • Language of America / Ben Levine, Et al - VIDEO E 78 .N5 L354 2009
  • Mapping the mind Rita Carter - RC 386.6 .B7 C37 2010
  • Out of the depths : the experiences of Mi'kmaw children at the Indian Residential School at Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia / Isabelle Knockwood with Gillian Thomas - E99 .M6 K66 2015  
  • Place- and community-based education in schools / Gregory A. Smith, David Sobel - LC239.S64 2010
  • Schooling the worlds /  Carol Black - VIDEO LC 2605 S366 2010
  • Schools that change communities / Robert Gliner, et al - VIDEO LB 2822.82 .S378 2012
  • Student-centered learning : nine classrooms in action / edited by Bill Nave - LB1027.23.S78 2015
  • Teach like your hair's on fire : the methods and madness inside room 56 / Rafe Esquith - LB41 .E48 2007
  • The hardest questions aren't on the test : lessons from an innovative urban school / Linda F. Nathan - LB 2822.83 .M4 N38 2009
  • The human side of school change : reform, resistance, and the real-life problems of innovation / Robert Evans - LB 2805 .E9 2001
  • The human side of school change : reform, resistance, and the real-life problems of innovation / Robert Evans - LB 2805 .E9 2001
  • The teaching brain : an evolutionary trait at the heart of education / Vanessa Rodriguez with Michelle Fitzpatrick - LB1060.R635 2014
  • The triple focus : a new approach to education / Daniel Goleman, Peter Senge - LB2822.8.G647 2014
  • They called it prairie light : the story of Chilocco Indian School / K. Tsianina Lomawaima - E 97.6. C4 L65 1994
  • Tinkering toward utopia : a century of public school reform / David Tyack & Larry Cuban - LA 216 .T92 1995
  • World peace and other 4th-grade achievements / John Hunter - JZ5534.H87 2013

Child Development

Find the following in our library using the call numbers provided.

  • A Piaget primer : how a child thinks / Dorothy G. Singer & Tracey A. Revenson - BF 723 .C5 S6 1997
  • All joy and no fun : the paradox of modern parenthood / Jennifer Senior - HQ755.8.S455 2014
  • Balanced and barefoot : how unrestricted outdoor play makes for strong, confident, and capable children / Angela J. Hanscom - HQ782.H346 2016
  • Beyond remote-controlled childhood : teaching young children in the media age / Diane E. Levin - P94.5.C55L47 2013
  • Constructive play applying Piaget in the preschool / George E. Forman - BF717 .F67 1984
  • IGen / Jean M. Twenge - HQ 799.7 .T95 2017
  • Last child in the woods : saving our children from nature-deficit disorder / Richard Louv - BF353.5 .N37 L68 2005
  • Mind in society : the development of higher psychological processes / L. S. Vygotsky - BF311.V93 1978
  • Mind in the making : the seven essential life skills every child needs / Ellen Galinsky - HQ781.G35 2010
  • Pink brain, blue brain : how small differences grow into troublesome gaps--and what we can do about it Lise Eliot - QP 81.5 .E45 2009
  • So sexy so soon : the new sexualized childhood, and what parents can do to protect their kids / Diane E. Levin and Jean Kilbourne - HQ 792 .U56 L48 2008
  • The anthropology of childhood : cherubs, chattel, changelings / David F. Lancy - GN482.L36 2015
  • The dance of interaction / Jeanine Fitzgerald - RF504 .F589 2005
  • The developing child / Helen L. Bee - O/S BF721 .B3336 2013
  • The ecology of human development : experiments by nature and design / Urie Bronfenbrenner - BF722.B76
  • The Montessori method / Maria Montessori - LB775.M7613 2008
  • The nature principle : human restoration and the end of nature-deficit disorder / Richard Louv - BF 353.5 .N37 L69 2011
  • Theories of childhood : an introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget, and Vygotsky / Carol Garhart Mooney - LB1139.23.M64 2013
  • Theories of development : concepts and applications / William Crain - BF 713 .C72 2011
  • Vitamin N : the essential guide to a nature-rich life / Richard Louv - BF353.5.N37L694 2016

Children's Literature

Find the following in our library using the call numbers provided.

  • Charlotte Huck's children's literature : a brief guide / Barbara Zulandt Kiefer - LB1575.5.U5K54 2013
  • From cover to cover : evaluating and reviewing children's books / Kathleen T. Horning - PN98.B7H67 2010
  • Handbook of research on children's and young adult literature / edited by Shelby A. Wolf et al - O/S PS121.H22 2011 c.2
  • The giver / Lois Lowry - PZ7.L9673Gi 1993

Culturally Sustaining and Revitalizing Education

Find these books in our library using the call numbers provided

  • Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies / Django Paris, H. Samy Alim - LC 1099.3 .C849 2017
  • Unconscious Bias in Schools / Tracey A. Benson - LC 212.2 .B46 2020
  • Precious Knowledge / Dos Vatos Productions and Independent Television Service-VIDEO GN 307.85 .U6 P73 2011
  • Tihtiyas et Jean / Nathalie Gagnon - PASSAMAQUODDY-MALISEET IR JUV PZ 23. .G3462 Ti 2004
  • Basket of Time: profiles of Maine Indian basket markers / David Shultz - E 78 .M2 S348 2017
  • Wolverine and little thunder: an eel fishing story / Alan Syliboy - ER JUV PR 9199.4 .S985 W65 2019
  • Stories Our Grandmother Tolds Us / Wayne A. Newell - E 99 .P27 N494 2020
  • #NotYourPrincess / Mary Beth Leatherdale, Lisa Charleyboy, editors - YA JUV E 98 .W8 N68 2017
  • The Canoe Maker / Jean Flahive - IR JUV PZ 7 .F5778 Ca 2019
  • Kunu's Basket: a story from Indian Island / Lee DeCora Francis - ER JUV PZ 7 .F84675 Ku 2012
  • Sweetgrass / Mary Alice Monroe - VIDEO SF 375.4 .M9 S94 2010

Curriculum Design and Assessment

Find the following in our library using the call numbers provided.

  • Centering African proverbs, Indigenous folktales, and cultural stories in curriculum / George J. Sefa Dei - LC 1099.5 .C2 C46 2019
  • Classroom Assessment in multiple language / Margo Gottlieb - LC 3719 .G67 2021
  • Curriculum integration : designing the core of democratic education / James A. Beane - LB 2806.15 .B43 1997
  • Educative assessment : designing assessments to inform and improve student performance / Grant Wiggins - O/S LB 3051 .W495 1998
  • Fair isn't always equal : assessing & grading in the differentiated classroom / Rick Wormeli - LB 3060.37 .W67 2006
  • Fulfilling the promise of the differentiated classroom : strategies and tools for responsive teaching / Carol Ann Tomlinson - LB 3061.3 .T65 2001
  • How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms / Carol Ann Tomlinson - LB 3061.3 .T65 2001
  • Integrating differentiated instruction & understanding by design : connecting content and kids / Carol Ann Tomlinson and Jay McTighe - LB 1027.3 .T66 2006
  • Learning outside the classroom : theory and guidelines for practice / Simon Beames, Pete Higgins, Robbie Nicol - LB 1047 .B37 2012
  • Liz Lerman's critical response process : a method for getting useful feedback on anything you make, from dance to dessert / by Liz Lerman and John Borstel - BF319.5.F4L47 2003
  • Making sense of secondary science : research into children's ideas / Rosalind Driver et al - LB 1564 .G7 D74
  • Place-based curriculum design : exceeding standards through local investigations / Amy B. Demarest - LB2806.15.D46 2015
  • "Tell me more" : listening to learners explain / edited by Eleanor Duckworth - LB 1060 .T46 2001
  • The differentiated classroom : responding to the needs of all learners / Carol Ann Tomlinson - LB 1031 .T65 1999
  • Understanding by design professional development workbook / Jay McTighe & Grant P Wiggins - LB2806.15 .M37 2004

Disability Rights in Education

Find these books in our library using the call numbers provided.

  • Being Heumann: an unrepentant memoir of a disability rights activist / Judith E. Heumann - JC 571 .H49 2020

Educational Innovation

Find the following in our library using the call numbers provided.

  • A mathematician's lament / Paul Lockhart - QA 13 .L63 2009
  • A repair kit for grading : 15 fixes for broken grades / Ken O'Connor - LB3060.37.O273 2011
  • Big brother and the national reading curriculum : how ideology trumped evidence / Richard L. Allington - LB1050.B52 2002
  • Black ants and buddhists : thinking critically and teaching differently in the primary grades / Mary Cowhey - LC 1099.3 .C699 2006
  • Brain-based learning : the new paradigm of teaching / Eric Jensen - LB 1060 .J45 2008
  • Connectome : how the brain's wiring makes us who we are / Sebastian Seung - QP376.S432 2012
  • Deschooling our lives / edited by Matt Hern ; foreword by Ivan Illich with Aaron Falbel - LC 191.4 .D47 1996
  • Differentiation and the brain : how neuroscience supports the learner-friendly classroom / David A. Sousa, Carol Ann Tomlinson - O/S LB 1031 .S65 2011
  • Disrupting class : how disruptive innovation will change the way the world learns / Clayton M. Christensen, Michael B. Horn, Curtis W. Johnson - LB1027.C4662 2011
  • Drive : the surprising truth about what motivates us / Daniel H. Pink - BF503.P475 2009
  • Dumbing us down : the hidden curriculum of compulsory schooling / John Taylor Gatto - LC 131 .G38 2005
  • Educative assessment : designing assessments to inform and improve student performance / Grant Wiggins - O/S LB 3051 .W495 1998
  • Feel-bad education : and other contrarian essays on children and schooling / Alfie Kohn - LA217.2.K64 2011
  • From brain to mind : using neuroscience to guide change in education / James E. Zull - QP408.Z85 2011
  • From digital natives to digital wisdom : hopeful essays for 21st century learning / Marc Prensky - LA217.2.P68 2012
  • Inevitable : mass customized learning - learning in the age of empowerment / Charles J. Schwahn & Beatrice McGarvey - LB 2822.82 .S39 2011
  • Learning all the time / John Holt - LB1060 .H66 1989
  • Mindfulness for teachers : simple skills for peace and productivity in the classroom / Patricia A. Jennings, foreword by Daniel J. Siegel, MD - LB1025.3.J43 2015
  • Out of our minds : learning to be creative / Ken Robinson - BF 408 .R53 2001
  • Personal learning networks : using the power of connections to transform education / Will Richardson, Rob Mancabelli - LB1731.R53 2011
  • Savage inequalities : children in America's schools / Jonathan Kozol - LC4091 .K69 1991
  • School choice / David R. Garcia - LB 1027.9 .G37 2018
  • So each may learn : integrating learning styles and multiple intelligences / Harvey F. Silver, Richard W. Strong, Matthew J. Perini - LB 1060 .S538 2000
  • Spark : the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain / John J. Ratey, with Eric Hagerman - QP301.R38 2008
  • Teaching 2030 : what we must do for our students and our public schools : now and in the future / Barnett Berry and the TeacherSolutions 2030 Team, Jennifer Barnet et al. - LB1025.3.B4735 2011
  • Teaching machines / Audrey Watters - LB 1028.3 .W383 2021
  • The end of education : redefining the value of school / Neil Postman - LA 217.2 .P67 1995
  • The evidence liberal arts needs / Richard A. Detweiler - LC 1011 .D38 2021
  • The flat world and education : how America's commitment to equity will determine our future / Linda Darling-Hammond - LC 213 .D37 2010
  • The little book of restorative justice : a bestselling book by one of the founders of the movement / Howard Zehr - HV8688.Z44 2014
  • The power and promise of humane education / Zoe Weil - HV 4712 .W435 2004
  • The respectful school : how educators and students can conquer hate and harassment / Stephen L. Wessler with contributing author William Preble - LB3013.3.W47 2003
  • The school and society : being three lectures by John Dewey - LB875.D43 2007
  • The wisdom of crowds : why the many are smarter than the few and how collective wisdom shapes business, economies, societies, and nations / James Surowiecki - JC328.2.S87 2004
  • Why don't students like school? : a cognitive scientist answers questions about how the mind works and what it means for the classroom / Daniel T. Willingham - LB1060.W5435 2009

Equity and Social Justice in Education

  • Case Studies on Diversity and Social Justice Education Paul Gorski - LC 1099 .G67 2018
  • Is everyone really equal?: An introduction to key concepts in social justice education Özlem Sensory, Robin J. DiAngelo - LC 191 .S38 2017
  • Readings for Diversity and Social Justice Maurianne Adams, Warren J. Blumenfeld, D. Chase J. Catalano, Keri "Safire" DeJong, Heather Hackman, Larissa E. Hopkins, Barbara J. Love, Madeline L. Peters, Davey Shlasko, Ximena Zuñiga - E 184 .A1 R386 2018

Equity and Social Justice in Education

Find these books in our library using the call numbers provided.

.Case Study / Paul C. Gorski and Seema G. Pothini-  LC 1099 .G67 2018




Experiential Education

Find the following in our library using the call numbers provided.

  • Adventure education / John C. Miles, Simon Priest - GV 200.52 .A38 1990 c.2
  • Apprenticeship : from theory to method and back again / edited by Michael W. Coy - GN 430 .A67 1989
  • Beyond ecophobia : reclaiming the heart in nature education / David Sobel - LB 1585 .S583 1996
  • Beyond learning by doing : theoretical currents in experiential education / Jay W. Roberts - LB1027.23.R63 2012
  • Brain-based learning : the new paradigm of teaching / Eric Jensen - LB 1060 .J45 2008
  • Childhood and nature : design principles for educators / David Sobel GF 26 .S63 2008
  • Cowstails and cobras II : a guide to games, initiatives, ropes courses & adventure curriculum / by Karl Rohnke - GV 362 .R563 1989
  • Democracy and education : an introduction to the philosophy of education / John Dewey - LB 875 .D49 1997
  • Ecological education in action : on weaving education, culture, and the environment / edited by Gregory A. Smith and Dilafruz R. Williams - GE 70 .E26 1999 c.2
  • Effective leadership in adventure programming / Simon Priest & Michael A. Gass - GV181.43 P75 2018
  • Emotions, learning, and the brain : exploring the educational implications of affective neuroscience / Mary Helen Immordino-Yang - LB1072.I66 201
  • Experience and education / John Dewey - LB 875 .D3943
  • Experiential learning : a best practice handbook for educators and trainers / Colin Beard, John P. Wilson - BF 318.5 .b43 2006
  • From brain to mind : using neuroscience to guide change in education James E. Zull - QP408.Z85 2011
  • Guide for planning a learning expedition / edited by Meg Campbell ... [et al.] - LB 1027.23 .E955 1998
  • Images of mind / Michael I. Posner, Marcus E. Raichle - QP 360.5 .P67 1994
  • Inevitable : mass customized learning - learning in the age of empowerment / Charles J. Schwahn & Beatrice McGarvey - LB 2822.82 .S39 2011
  • Lasting lessons : a teacher's guide to reflecting on experience / by Clifford E. Knapp - LB 1060 .K62 1992
  • Learning from museums : visitor experiences and the making of meaning / John H. Falk and Lynn D. Dierking - AM 7 .F34 2000
  • Learning in the museum / George E. Hein - AM 7 .H44 1998
  • Learning outside the classroom : theory and guidelines for practice / Simon Beames, Pete Higgins, Robbie Nicol - LB 1047 .B37 2012
  • Mapping the mind Rita Carter - RC 386.6 .B7 C37 2010
  • Place- and community-based education in schools / Gregory A. Smith - LC239 .S64 2010
  • Place-based education in the global age : local diversity / edited by David A. Gruenewald, Gregory A. Smith - LC239.P527 2008
  • Reflections on design principles / Emily Cousins - LB1027.23.C685 1998
  • Service-learning and social justice : engaging students in social change / Susan Benigni Cipolle - LC221.C535 2010
  • Service-learning in higher education : critical issues and directions / [edited] by Dan W. Butin -  LC 221 .S39 2005
  • Service-learning and social justice : engaging students in social change / Susan Benigni Cipolle - LC221.C535 2010
  • The conscious use of metaphor in outward bound / Stephen Bacon - GV 200.5 .B3 1983
  • The end of education : redefining the value of school / Neil Postman - LA 217.2 .P67 1995
  • "The having of wonderful ideas" & other essays on teaching & learning / Eleanor Duckworth -  LB 1025.3 .D84 1996
  • The Montessori method / Maria Montessori - LB775.M7613 2008
  • The museum experience / John H. Falk, Lynn D. Dierking ; foreword by Willard L. Boyd - AM 7 .F35 1992
  • Why don't students like school? : a cognitive scientist answers questions about how the mind works and what it means for the classroom / Daniel T. Willingham - LB1060.W5435 2009
  • Working with experience : animating learning / edited by David Boud and Nod Miller - LB 1027.23 .W67 1996

Femininity and Masculinity Go To School

Find these books in our library using the call numbers provided.

  • A vindication of the rights of woman : an authoritative text, backgrounds, the Wollstonecraft debate, criticism / Mary Wollstonecraft ; edited by Carol H. Poston - HQ 1596 .W6 1988
  • As nature made him : the boy who was raised as a girl / John Colapinto - RC 560 .G45 C65 2000
  • Becoming Nicole : the transformation of an American family / Amy Ellis Nutt - HQ77.95.U6N87 2015
  • Confronting sexual harassment : what schools and colleges can do / Judith Berman Brandenburg -  LC 212.82 .B73 1997
  • Education denied : costs and remedies / Katarina Tomasevski - LC 213 .T66 2003
  • Failing at fairness : how our schools cheat girls Myra and David Sadker - LC 212.82 .S27 1995
  • Families and communities as educators / Hope Jensen Leichter, editor - LC221.F35
  • Gender and sexual diversity in schools / Elizabeth J. Meyer - LC212.8.M49 2010
  • Gender lessons : patriarchy, sextyping & schools / Scott Richardson - LC212.9.R53 2015
  • Gender play : girls and boys in school / Barrie Thomas - LC212.92.T46 1993
  • Gender trouble : feminism and the subversion of identity Judith Butler - HQ 1154 .B88 1999
  • Helping boys succeed in school : a practical guide for parents and teachers/ Terry W. Neu - LC1390.N48 2007
  • How to stop bullying in classrooms and schools : using social architecture to prevent, lessen, and end bullying Phyllis Kaufman Goodstein - LB3013.3.G66 2013
  • Island schoolhouse : one room for all / Eva Murray - LA299.M38M87 2012
  • Learning together : a history of coeducation in American public schools / David Tyack - LB3066.T93 1992
  • Packaging boyhood : saving our sons from superheroes, slackers, and other media stereotypes / Lyn Mikel Brown - HD9970.5.C483U635 2009
  • Pink brain, blue brain : how small differences grow into troublesome gaps--and what we can do about it / Lise Eliot - QP81.5.E45 2009
  • Power and innocence : a search for the sources of violence / Rollo May - HM 291.M393 1972
  • Power/knowledge : selected interviews and other writings, 1972-1977 / Michel Foucault - HM 291 .F59 1981
  • Responsive school practices to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning students and families / Emily Fisher - HQ73.F57 2012
  • Rethinking gender in early childhood education / Glenda MacNaughton - LC 212.93 .A8 M33 2000
  • Sex, gender, and sexuality : the new basics : an anthology / [compiled by] Abby L. Ferber, Kimberly Holcomb, Tre Wentling - HQ21.S47165 2013
  • Sexing the body : gender politics and the construction of sexuality / Anne Fausto-Sterling - HQ 1075 .F39 2000
  • She's not there : a life in two genders / Jennifer Finney Boylan - PS3552.O914Z477 2003
  • Some assembly required : the not-so-secret life of a transgender teen / Arin Andrews ; with Joshua Lyon - YA JVU HQ77.8.A53A3 2014
  • "Sometimes I can be anything" : power, gender, and identity in a primary classroom / Karen Gallas -   LC 212.92 .G35 1998
  • Strategies for teaching boys and girls, secondary level : a workbook for educators / Michael Gurian - LC212.9.G875 2008
  • The anthropology of childhood : cherubs, chattel, changelings / David F. Lancy - GN482.L36 2015
  • The creation of patriarchy / Gerda Lerner - HQ 1121 .L47 .C7 1986
  • The gender knot : unraveling our patriarchal legacy / Allan G. Johnson - HQ1075.J64 2014
  • The history of sexuality by Michel Foucault - HQ 12 .F6813 1990
  • The Jossey-Bass reader on gender in education / foreword by Susan M. Bailey - LC 212.92 .J67 2002
  • The minds of boys : saving our sons from falling behind in school and life / Michael Gurian - LC1390.G87 2005
  • The recognitions : a novel /  William Gaddis - PS3557.A28R4 1985
  • The secret lives of girls : what good girls really do -- sex play, aggression, and their guilt / Sharon Lamb - HQ777.L35 2001
  • The transgender studies reader 2 / edited by Susan Stryker and Aren Z. Aizura - HQ77.9.T72 2013
  • Transforming power : domination, empowerment, and education / Seth Kreisberg - LC 191.4 .K74 1992
  • Undoing gender Judith Butler - HQ 1075 .B89 2004
  • Women's philosophies of education : thinking through our mothers / edited by Connie Titone, Karen E. Maloney - LA 21 .095 1999
  • Writing down the bones : freeing the writer within / Natalie Goldberg - PN 145 .G64 1986
  • Writing well / Donald Hal - PE1408 .H312
  • Writing without teachers / Peter Elbow - PN 1409.5 .E5 1998