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Course Reserves By Resource Area

Building Science and Energy Auditing

Find these books in our library using the call numbers provided. 

  • Residential Energy / John Krigger - RES BSEA S23

Sheep to Shawl

Find these books in our library using the call numbers provided.

  • Sheep / Alan Butler - SF 375.38 .B88 2006
  • The sheep book : a handbook for the modern shepherd / Ron Parker ; foreword by Garrison Keillor ; sketches by Ruth Halvorson - SF 375 .P37 2001- 
  • Women's work : the first 20,000 years / E J.W. Barber - GN 799 .T43 B37 1994

Working the Sea

Find these books in our library using the call numbers provided. 

  • H.M.S. Surprise / Patrick O'Brian - PR 6029 .B55 H2 1994
  • In the Heart of the Sea / Nathaniel Philbrick - G 530 .E76 2000
  • Tuning the Rig / Harvey Oxenhorn - G 627 .O84 1990

Zoological Field Sketching

Find this book in our library using the call number provided. 

  • The Laws guide to nature drawing and journaling / John Muir Laws, Emilie Lygren - F22 QH 51 .L376 2016