If you have a zine collection that you are ready to part with, or are a creator, we'd love to consider your zines for our collection.
We presently accept a wide variety of topics, including themes of social justice, ecology, gardening, queer studies, gender, memoir, and DIY guides.
Though Thorndike is delighted to accept donations, we cannot guarantee that all donated items will be added to the collection. The decision to add or remove items is made by library staff.
If a zine does not fit our collection needs, we are happy to return an item to the donor or find an alternate location, such as another library or private collection.
If you are interested in donating to the Thorndike zine collection, please use our convenient zine donation box located in the library between the AV room and circulation desk, or contact:
Catherine Preston-Schreck cpreston-schreck@coa.edu or library@coa.edu